
Offshore Communication AS delivers services in the telecommunication and entertainment segment.

We have delivered technology solutions and systems to ships, drilling platforms, oil platforms and land-based installations, worldwide.

Keeping in touch with crew and rig systems is a critical service and with advanced automation becoming more common, the communications systems must be kept up to date. We are experts in maintenance, service and solutions for whatever systems you have.

We deliver, service and support for communications equipment such as:

  • Vsat antennas, modems and networking equipment
  • TVRO (TV Receive Only) antennas and receiving and distribution equipment
  • GMDSS equipment, NDB transmitters and antennas for GMDSS and NDB transmitters
  • UHF and VHF radio, etc. and UHF repeaters
  • Radio links and PA systems
  • CCTV equipment and Entertainment systems

Offshore Communication AS

(+47) 906 67 433
Sigvat Skaldsvei 47
4327, Sandnes, Norway

Built By AmperageApps AS